Dealing with Energy Issues

The need for more renewable energy sources is greater than ever. Rising power prices, fears over security of supply and climate change have put the issue of energy high in everyone’s mind. National and regional authorities have acknowledged that renewable energy is an important solution to help meet the challenges of our modern lifestyle and its ever increasing energy demands. Scotland has set a range of targets to reach net-zero and more information can be found here.


Apart from the low carbon and energy security advantages that are felt on a national level, the wind farm will provide benefits to the local community as well.

Boralex is committed to community benefits associated with the project. We will be working with the local community to help determine the best kind of benefits for the area. A modern wind farm typically has a life span of up to 40 years so we want to make sure the benefits attached to the development make a significant contribution to the community. If you have any ideas on how best to deliver community benefit, please get in touch.