Overturning their planning officer’s recommendation, today the North Planning Applications Committee of The Highland Council has raised an objection to Limekiln Wind Farm Resubmission, triggering another public inquiry.

The Committee Members sited concerns about visual impact on the nearby wild land area as well as on the road network and nearby village of Reay.

Fiona Milligan of Infinergy said: “Whilst we are extremely disappointed that the North PAC have again objected to our proposal, despite the findings of Scottish Ministers following the last public inquiry, we are encouraged that the professional opinion of the Planning Officer at The Highland Council was to recommend no objection.

“We were also happy to go as far as to remove three turbines closest to Reay which was one of several options of mitigation the Planning officer sought.  We continue to believe that Limekiln has a huge potential, not only to reduce carbon emissions to help meet the Scottish Government’s ambitious electricity generation targets, but to also provide significant investment and economic benefits to the local area.  We look forward to putting forward a positive case for this development at a new Public Local Inquiry and hope that with the additional information relating to wild land added, Scottish Ministers will approve the project in the future.”